Registration is now closed.
Thank you for giving us 43 years of Gymnastics!
See you in 2027!
Thank you for giving us 43 years of Gymnastics!
See you in 2027!
Before you Register - You will need to create an account with the Active Network. *
*If you already have an account with the Active Network, please do not create a second account. |
Program Registration will open in 2027!
When you are ready to register:
- Click on the registration link to begin. A link will be emailed to our current families.
- Sign into your Active account, at the top of the page.
- Scroll through the programs to find the one you want. Our programs are listed in date order so you will need to scroll down to see all of the days available. Click “Add to Cart”. If the program you want is full, your registration will be added to our waitlist**.
- If you have more than one child, add their program to your cart, as well. This will ensure that all programs are on the same payment plan.
- If you wish to see more information about the program offered, click on the program name.
- You can view your “Shopping Cart” at any time. It is located near the top, right of the page.
- Once you have added all your programs, select “Continue” in your shopping cart.
- For each program selected, you may then choose who the participant is with the drop-down menu. If the person you want to register is not listed, select Register a New Person.
- After you’ve selected your participant, add the REQUIRED Gym BC Membership. Then select “Continue”. You must have the Gym BC Membership, as this is your insurance coverage.
- If you need to change anything in your cart, select “Add sessions” which is located on the right-hand side of the box. This will take you back to the original screen.
- Fill in the registration information for each participant. All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Please read through all of the waivers, as they have changed from previous years.
- When you check out you will have the option to pay in full or make monthly payments, on your credit card or with post-dated cheques. The club will cover the fees associated with the use of credit card payments. If you choose to make monthly payments on your credit card, they will be charged on the 15th of each month. If you wish to pay with cheques, please contact [email protected] to set up a payment plan. There is no payment required to place your child on the waitlist.
Welcome to Wings!!
Waitlist Policy **When the program you wish to register for is full, you will automatically be registered on our waitlist. There is no deposit required if you are waitlisted. When a spot becomes available, we will contact you. Your placement on our waitlist will be held until the end of the current season; it will not be carried over to the next season.